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South Fork 2.0!

  • 03-Feb-2023

We are thrilled to announce the approval of South Fork II Coastal Mitigation Bank(SFII).  Adjacent to the existing South Fork Coastal Mitigation Bank, SFII will restore (re-establish or rehabilitate) 130.7 acres of Fresh-Intermediate Marsh (FIM) and 91.3 acres of Coastal…

A Suite of Bank Approvals

  • 17-Mar-2022

We are thrilled to announce the approval of three separate banks in Louisiana and Texas: Cow Branch Coastal Mitigation Bank Amendment One (CBCMBA1), Long Island Cove MitigationBank (LICMB), and Buenaventura Mitigation Bank (BMB). From southeast Louisiana to central Texas, we are…

Meeting the Demand in the Barataria and Pontchartrain Basins

  • 31-Oct-2019

Delta is pleased to continue to fulfill the mitigation needs of permit applicants in the Barataria and Pontchartrain Basins of Louisiana. To meet the high level of demand, we are developing the Beaver Creek Mitigation Bank (Pontchartrain Basin), the Cow…

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