Hunter joined Delta Land Services as an intern in the summer on 2017 and became a full-time employee as a Wetland Restoration Engineer in Training (E.I.T.) in May 2018. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from Louisiana State University (LSU) in December 2016 and earned his Master of Science in Coastal and Ecological Engineering in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department from LSU in May 2019. Hunter’s passion for wetland restoration in addition to his strong academic background have made him a true asset to the Delta team. Hunter’s current role is to assist the project managers with wetland and stream site assessments, wetland delineations, project monitoring data collection, mitigation bank prospectus and instrument (MBI) preparation, marsh creation engineering, GIS modeling, and AutoCAD mapping. Additionally, he is essential in the development and construction of Natural Stream Design modeling, Hydrologic modeling, Habitat Site Index (HSI), and Hydrogeomorphic Model Assessments (HGM). Hunter furthered his education by attending the Natural Stream Channel Design course instructed by Dave Rosgen, Wildland Hydrology and is also working towards earning his Professional Engineer (P.E.)