Approved Amendment Credit Now Available
Delta Land Services is pleased to announce the approval of our Laurel Valley Coastal Mitigation Bank Amendment in the Barataria Basin, as well as our Ponderosa Ranch of Pointe Coupee Mitigation Bank Amendment, in the Terrebonne Basin, with credit now available on the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regulatory In-Lieu Fee and Banking Information Tracking System site (
The Laurel Valley Amendment, located within the Louisiana Coastal Zone Boundary in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, is contiguous with the existing 530-acre Laurel Valley Coastal Mitigation Bank, which was established in 2015. The Amendment will re-establish 125 acres of bottomland hardwood (BLH) and 21.6 acres of baldcypress swamp (Swamp), will rehabilitate 34.3 acres of BLH and 42.1 acres of Swamp, and will enhance 3.2 acres of Swamp, providing offset for impacts to jurisdictional BLH and Swamp wetland systems.
The Ponderosa Amendment, located in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, is adjacent to the previously approved 675-acre Ponderosa Ranch of Pointe Coupee Mitigation Bank established in 2013. The Amendment will re-establish 275 acres of BLH and 25.8 acres of Swamp and will rehabilitate 5.0 acres of BLH and 7.6 acres of Swamp, providing offset for impacts to jurisdictional BLH and Swamp wetland systems.