Terrebonne Basin Expansion: Bayou Maringouin Ramah Tract Approved
Delta’s Bayou Maringouin Ramah Tract, a 206-acre wetland mitigation area under Delta’s Bayou Maringouin Umbrella Mitigation Bank, is approved! The restoration at the site will include the re-establishment of 109.8 bottomland hardwood (BLH) acres, the rehabilitation of 11.4 acres of BLH, and will preserve another 60.6 BLH acres. Additionally, the site will restore 12.6 acres of forested hardwood buffer and preserve another 11.6 forested buffer acres. Under the Louisiana Rapid Assessment Method (LRAM), the BLH wetlands generate 4.1 LRAM credits per acre. The Bank is approved to offset US Army Corps of Engineers permitted impacts to jurisdictional wetlands. This is Delta’s second site to be approved under an Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI).